Newest Obsession: Over Night Oats

My roommate is on a health kick and she is really into spinach oatmeal. Kid makes a huge batch and eats it all week. I’ve also agreed to give her a ride bus station at 6:45 this morning.  The combination of these two factors has led to my new obsession: OVERNIGHT OATS. (aka the EASIEST and most versatile breakfast you can make the night before)

There is even a buzzfeed

The whole idea here is you throw together some liquid and essentially whatever else you want with oats, cover it and toss it in the fridge overnight. Voila- healthy and fantastic! Feel free to experiment because it looks like you can add anything from chia seeds (the K/Caits are serious about their chia seed love) to fruit and blended up vegetables.

As a vegetarian I am always looking for sneaky ways to add protein to everything, so I adjusted the measurements a little and added flaxseed. Flaxseed ads a little protein but it also high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids (something vegetarians often miss)  No, seriously, start eating flaxseed 


I went for a take on this recipe (except I don’t understand the “scant” blueberries. Look lady, there are like 80 calories per 1 cup of blueberries, why are you cutting us off at barely 1/4c.- ADD ALL THE DANG BLUEBERRIES YOU WANT.

[editor’s note: I followed the suggestion and used 1/4 cup because some days i’m a rule follower]


Like there recipe cited above I went for a greek yogurt, soy milk, flax seed, oats and banana/blueberry combo.

My math is pretty close here (used a calculator). The health benefits come in at about: 15g of protein and under 300cals. (~260 unless you had the other half of the banana as a topper <– my morning plan)

BOOM- Perfect breakfast on the go!


This picture would be cuter if I hadn’t lost all the lids to the mason jars. #whoops

Lastly, Kait asked for a verdict on the texture. We weren’t sure if it was going to be more rice/bread pudding like. Nope, basically just like oatmeal.

Now go eat flaxseed,
